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Welcome to IUCEA

Vision:  IUCEA becomes an exemplary common higher education area for a prosperous and sustainable East African Community by 2030.

Mission: To encourage and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between Member Universities and between them and Governments and other organizations, both public and private

IUCEA Core Values:  Accountability, Transparency, Unity, Diversity, Integrity, Professionalism and Teamwork

IUCEA executive members visiting IUCEA premise

Dr. Cosam Chawanga Joseph

Regional Project Coordinator of EASTRIP.

Dr. Joseph, has close to 25 years experience in management of higher education, research, quality assurance, qualifications framework, strategic planning, project management, and process improvements in driving innovation and game changing strategies in Academia and Regional Organisations. He blends passion for intelligent sustainability innovation and envision for change. He is a savvy relationship builder, forging alliance with stakeholders and development partners with proven ability to design and execute projects, and data management for processes improvement and decision making.

He is endowed with strong leadership skills and ability to produce tangible results aligned to the vision and strategic direction of an organisation, with ability to analyse problems and propose viable solutions and outcomes. He is tooled with strong negotiation and interpersonal skills. Ability to motivate and drive performance of a team. He is an effective communicator who can comprehensively present complex ideas with colleagues and peers, scrupulous and thorough analyst with excellent attention to details when undertaking tasks.As the EASTRIP Regional Project Coordinator, he is in charge of:

i) providing strategic leadership and management of the project in accordance with the project goal, objectives and Terms of Reference of the Regional Facilitation Unit;

ii) ensuring the effective strategic leadership in the preparation and implementation of EASTRIP activities and resources management in East Africa;

iii) development and implementation of a Regional TVET Qualifications Framework for Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania (RTQF-EKT) and steer regional integration aspects of the project;

iv) improving the quality of TVET programmes offered by the selected Regional Flagship TVET Institutes (RFTIs);

v) supporting the development of highly specialized TVET programs at diploma and degree levels for the training of technicians and TVET faculty;

vi) facilitating regional integration by providing a regional platform to promote the exchange of policies and practices, students and faculty mobility, and harmonization of occupational standards and qualifications;

vii) Development of implementation of a Regional Framework for Occupational Competency Assessment and Certification

viii) acting as focal point for stakeholders (the governments of the participating countries, the World Bank, interested institutions, media etc.);

ix) managing and coordinating proper management of the project funds for accountability and quality reporting.

Before joining EASTRIP, he was the Head of the Quality Assurance and Qualifications Framework Unit at IUCEA, from 2008 to 2019. Among key deliverables that he achieved include the development and operationalisation of a number of regions policy documents, guidelines and standards, such as:

i)Handbook for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Roadmap to Quality, Principles and Guidelines for Quality Assurance, Benchmarks for Bachelor of Business-Related Studies, Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Education, Agriculture, Engineering and Medicine);

ii) coordinating and managing the strategic development and operationalisation of an East African Quality Assurance System focussing on harmonisation of higher education systems in East Africa that eventually transformed the region into an East African Community  Common Higher Education Area;

iii) implementing East African Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (EAQFHE);

iv) providing mechanisms for mutual recognition of academic and professional qualifications to facilitate implementation of the East African Common Market Protocols, in particular for mobility of labour and service as part of the integration agenda of the East African Community (EAC);

v) coordinating regional capacity building training and advocacy actions on Internal and External Quality Assurance at programme and institutional level for university academic staff, middle and senior management levels;

vi) developing and supporting the implementation of the necessary policy frameworks;

vii) providing technical assistance to the regional committee and to the EAC Council of Ministers;

viii) developing regional policy documents, threshold quality assurance standards, guidelines and procedures;

ix) coordinating the monitoring and evaluation of implementation of the various policy documents and their impacts on the ground towards the regional higher education integration agenda;

x) coordinating several regional projects at IUCEA;

xi) coordinating works for the development of benchmarks for agriculture programmes that are aimed at harmonising the quality of academic programmes in the EAC Partner States and ensuring the benchmarks are relevant and responsive to their societies they serve. As Head of Quality Assurance at IUCEA, he was also responsible for coordination of the first phase of piloting of the African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM) and carried out advocacy on implementation of the African Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance (ASG-QA) in East African universities and through the East African Quality Assurance Network for Higher education (EAQAN).

At continental level, He was a member of a Technical Working Group of Tuning Africa-I&2, from 2011 – 2015, which was funded by the European Union, under the EU-Africa Strategy. The focus of the initiative was on harmonisation of STEM related academic programmes in Africa, using the tuning concept. Prior to the development of ASG-QA under HAQAA initiative, I participated in all continental technical meetings/forums on the development of the EU funded Pan African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework (PAQAF).

Furthermore, He also participated at continental level in the development of EU-Africa Strategy in the development of African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF). On several occasions, he also represented IUCEA in the ACQF Advisory Boad meetings. Furthermore, at continental level, he also represented IUCEA in the development of the UNESCO-Addis Conventions for Mutual Recognitions which was adopted in Addis Ababa Ethiopia on 12th December 2014.

Prior to joining IUCEA, he worked at the University of Dar es Salaam as an academic staff, where he rose through various academic ranks to Senior Lecturer in chemistry. He holds a B.Sc. (Ed) and M.Sc. (Chemistry) from the University of Dar es Salaam and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry with specialization in synthetic carbohydrate and sugar chemistry, University of Nijmegen, now renamed Radboud University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

While working at UDSM, in addition to academic responsibilities of teaching research and outreach services, he also served in various leadership and administrative positions such as Head of Chemistry Department, Associate Dean, Faculty of Science, Main Campus and later as Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), the position he held until he joined IUCEA.

Furthermore, he carried out a number of research projects in chemistry and related fields through which he supervised 10 Ph.D. and 14 M.Sc. students, therefrom published original scientific publications amounting to over 35 papers in chemistry in peer reviewed journals. His experience on project management at UDSM include over 15 projects that were funded by different funding agencies like Sida-SAREC of Sweden, NORAD,  WHO/TDR/MIM, International Progamme for Chemical Sciences (IPCS), International Foundation for Science (IFS), Third World Academy of Science (TWAS), Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Cooperation, National Institute of Health (NIH) of US, DAAD of Germany, IDRC of Canada,  VLIR of Belgium, Sida of Sweden and the World Bank.

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