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Welcome to IUCEA

Vision:  IUCEA becomes an exemplary common higher education area for a prosperous and sustainable East African Community by 2030.

Mission: To encourage and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between Member Universities and between them and Governments and other organizations, both public and private

IUCEA Core Values:  Accountability, Transparency, Unity, Diversity, Integrity, Professionalism and Teamwork

IUCEA executive members visiting IUCEA premise

Alex Mukunzi Ruharo

Senior Legal Officer

Alex Mukunzi Ruharo is an enrolled advocate with 19 years of experience in legal practice and advisory. He is currently the Senior Legal Officer at IUCEA. He has served at senior legal positions both in the Republic of Uganda and in the Republic of Rwanda. Before joining IUCEA in early 2018, he was a legal officer at the Lake Victoria Basin commission-Kenya. He possesses a Master of Laws Degree with specialization in Common Market, Merger Control, World Trade Organization (WTO) and Corporate Law from the University of Liverpool.

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