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Welcome to IUCEA

Vision:  IUCEA becomes an exemplary common higher education area for a prosperous and sustainable East African Community by 2030.

Mission: To encourage and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between Member Universities and between them and Governments and other organizations, both public and private

IUCEA Core Values:  Accountability, Transparency, Unity, Diversity, Integrity, Professionalism and Teamwork

IUCEA executive members visiting IUCEA premise

IUCEA Staff Holds Annual Review and Planning Meeting

Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), Kampala, Uganda, 3rd May, 2021: The Secretariat of the Inter- University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) held an Annual Review and Planning Meeting from 28th -30th April, 2021 at Mbale Resort Hotel in Mbale Uganda. The meeting was attended by the IUCEA Executive Secretary, Prof. Gaspard Banyankimbona, Deputy Executive Secretary Prof. Mike Kuria and other IUCEA Staff. The objectives of the meeting were to present activities carried out during the financial year, achievements attained and challenges encountered during their implementation. In addition, the meeting revisited the Strategic Plan 2016/2021 with the purpose of coming up with outputs and strategies for the Key Result Areas of the Strategic Plan 2021/2026 which is part of the EAC Development Strategy key priority areas.

Opening the meeting, the Executive Secretary called on staff to think strategically while planning for IUCEA future interventions that are geared to improve the IUCEA service to the community. He acknowledged remarkable achievements made by IUCEA in the past five years while reminding about the pending challenges facing IUCEA that need to be given attention to in the future plans of IUCEA activities. Prof. Banyankimbona challenged the staff to explore the link between the quality of pre-university education and university education and measures to address any gaps as one of the strategies to ensure sustained and comprehensive quality education. He encouraged the development of fundable projects and programmes that can attract grants while much efforts are put on research programmes and projects that can have a great impact to the East African countries and citizens.

Group photo: IUCEA Staff Annual Review and Planning Meeting on 28th May 2021 at Mbale Resort Hotel, Mbale, Uganda.  Sitting (4th from R) is Executive Secretary Prof. Gaspard Banyankimbona and Deputy Executive Secretary Prof. Mike Kuria (5th from R)  and other staff


The Executive Secretary urged staff to look critically on their success and failures and on how to overcome those failures while thinking on personal roles to the institution but at the same time to work collaboratively to overcome those failures.

IUCEA used the opportunity of the staff meeting to bid farewell to Sam Bahati, Lilian David Amri and Patrick Murenzi who served at IUCEA for 23, 20 and 10 years respectively.

IUCEA Annual Staff Meeting is conducted on an annual basis for staff to reflect on their performance by celebrating the achievements made, pointing out challenges encountered and how to overcome them.

IUCEA Executive Secretary Prof. Gaspard Banyankimbona in one of the sessions during IUCEA Staff Annual Review and Planning Meeting 28th – 30th April 2021

Note: Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) is an institution of the East African Community whose mission is to encourage and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between member universities and between them and Governments and other organisations, both public and private. Its vision is to become the leading EAC Institution for an exemplary Common Higher Education Area for a prosperous and sustainable East African Community. Currently IUCEA Secretariat has 38 staff including programmes and projects staff.

For more information contact:

Wilhelmina Balyagati, Corporate and Public Relation Officer, IUCEA

Plot M833, Kigobe Road Kyambogo,

P.O Box 7110, Kampala, Uganda.


Tel: +256 414 256 251/2 Mob: +256 77 4165467

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