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Welcome to IUCEA

Vision:  IUCEA becomes an exemplary common higher education area for a prosperous and sustainable East African Community by 2030.

Mission: To encourage and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between Member Universities and between them and Governments and other organizations, both public and private

IUCEA Core Values:  Accountability, Transparency, Unity, Diversity, Integrity, Professionalism and Teamwork

IUCEA executive members visiting IUCEA premise
IUCEA invites suitably qualified Nationals of the East African Community (EAC) partner States to apply for cohort 1 Postgraduate programs of the East Africa Community Student’s Mobility Scholarship Scheme (EAC-SMS). The EAC-SMS is funded by a consortium of IUCEA- Member Universities, The IUCEA, and Parents/ Guardians/Self. 
Important Timelines: 
CALL OPEN: August 2nd, 2023 
CALL CLOSES: August 28th, 2023, not later than 17:00 hours, East African Time.
Eligibility: Nationals of the EAC Partner states (Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda). 
Duration of the Scholarship: Depending on the selected University program for the Masters’s or Doctoral.


The Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) is mandated by the IUCEA Act 2009, to coordinate higher education in the East African Community (EAC). In the operationalization of her mandate as per the Act, access to and affordability of higher education in the EAC region has been high on the agenda. Over the years, IUCEA has implemented some strategies and operations on academic mobility to facilitate student and staff mobility to promote regional integration. The students’ mobility programme including scholarships has attracted several initiatives, namely uniform fees for EAC citizen students to be charged in EAC countries’ host universities, and scholarship programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The Students Mobility programme in East Africa was first facilitated in the form of an exchange programme between Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda through the University of East Africa established in 1963 and it continued until 2004. 
Following the above rich history of regional students’ mobility and scholarship programme, and the resolutions of the IUCEA Annual Meeting held in Kigali in 2019, IUCEA started the process to revive the East African Community Students Mobility program. Compared to the high demand for scholarships and the limited available opportunities, the 10th IUCEA Annual meeting held in June 2019 in Kigali, Rwanda, encouraged IUCEA member universities to provide at least 1 slot for students from the EAC Partner States other than their own.  Hence many Universities committed to offering scholarships by waiving Tuition and examination fees, while IUCEA will provide traveling expenses and Health Insurance, and the remaining cost will be on the side of the parents/ guardians/self. (See the responsibility of each party at the end of the call) 
The postgraduate scholarship supports Master’s and Ph. D’ students in the selected programs (Table 1). 
The students are required to apply to study in another EAC country (not their country of origin/citizenship). 


46 postgraduate scholarships are available in the 2023/2024 academic year. 
Responsibility of the parties: 
A) IUCEA- Inter-University Council for East Africa
a) Provide medical insurance. 
b) Provide transport facilitation by road whenever applicable at the beginning and the end of the academic programme.
c) Provide Masters and Ph.D. students with a lump sum for research (after completion of coursework).
B) Universities
a) Offer scholarships through tuition and examination fees waiver. 
b) Offer admission and induction to the scholarship awardees.
c) Provide a contact person for liaison with IUCEA and Parents/guardians. 
d) Monitor and provide regular progress reports on the performance of the scholarship programme. 
C) Parents / Guardians/self/Sponsors
a) Cater for accommodation and living expenses. 
b) Cater for other university fees (except tuition and examination- provided in the scholarship). 
c) Provide any other material/ information as may be required. 
D) Students
a) Apply to the universities of their choice in the region whose programmes have been selected for the scholarship scheme.
b) Mobilise any additional resources to support their studies.
c) Provide information on their academic and social welfare to IUCEA, University, and Parents. 


 The following programs are on offer (by country, University, and available slots and Intake).
MasterMaster of Arts in Cooperative and Community DevelopmentMoshi Cooperative UniversityTanzania22OCT
MastersAgricultural ExtensionJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersBusiness AdministrationJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersBusiness AdministrationKibabii UniversityKenya21JAN/MAY/ SEPT
MastersEducationJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersEpidemiology and BiostatisticsJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersFood Security and Sustainable AgricultureJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersInformation TechnologyKibabii UniversityKenya21JAN/MAY/ SEPT
MastersInformation Technology Security and AuditJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersMaster of Business AdministrationKenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Economics (Corporation and Human Development)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Economics (International Trade)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Education (Educational Management)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Education (Educational Planning)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Public Health (Reproductive Health)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Regional IntegrationKenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science (Climate Change and Sustainability)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science (Integrated Soil Fertility)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science (Knowledge Management)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science in BiotechnologyKenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science in Computer ScienceMuranga University of Science and Technology (MUST)Kenya21SEPT/JAN/MAY
MastersMaster of Science in Crop Protection (Plant Pathology)Kenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science in EntrepreneurshipKenyatta UniversityKenya21SEPT
MastersMaster of Science in Information TechnologyMuranga University of Science and Technology (MUST)Kenya21SEPT/JAN/MAY
MastersMaster of Technology in Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMuranga University of Science and Technology (MUST)Kenya21SEPT/JAN/MAY
MastersMaster of Technology in Mechanical EngineeringMuranga University of Science and Technology (MUST)Kenya21SEPT/JAN/MAY
MastersPure/Applied MathematicsJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersUrban Environmental Planning and ManagementJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya21JAN/MAY/SEPT
MastersMaster LLM ICTOpen University of Tanzania (OUT)Tanzania21OPEN
MastersMaster MED CDDOpen University of Tanzania (OUT)Tanzania21OPEN
MastersMaster MED QMOpen University of Tanzania (OUT)Tanzania21OPEN
MastersMaster of Arts In Security and Strategic StudiesNkumba UniversityUganda21FEB/AUG
MastersMaster of Business AdministrationNkumba UniversityUganda21FEB/AUG
MastersMasters in Business AdministrationMakerere UniversityUganda21AUG
MastersMasters in EducationMakerere UniversityUganda21AUG
MastersMasters in Public AdministrationMakerere UniversityUganda21AUG
MastersRenewable EnergyMakerere UniversityUganda21AUG
Ph. DPh. D Business AdministrationJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D Business Information SystemsJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D EducationJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D Epidemiology and BiostatisticsJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D Food Security and Sustainable AgricultureJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D Information Technology Security and AuditJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph. DPh. D PlanningJaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)Kenya31JAN/MAY/SEPT
Ph.DPhD AstronomyOpen University of Tanzania (OUT)Tanzania31OPEN
Ph.DPhD TourismOpen University of Tanzania (OUT)Tanzania31OPEN


The minimum requirements for qualification into the Programme are: 
a) Citizenship: Be a national and resident of a partner state of the East African Community.
b) Eligible programme at an eligible university: Have been accepted for admission in an eligible programme at an eligible university that participates in the EAC-SMS and is in another country of the EAC other than their own. However, applicants should not wait until they are admitted to apply for the scholarship.
c) Statement of motivation: Submit a motivation letter in English (with not more than 300 words) as follows:
  • Demonstrate a convincing motivation to pursue the Programme chosen.
  • Adequately demonstrate the foreseen professional engagement in the EAC Integration agenda after completing the Programme
  • Demonstrate how the acquired skills and knowledge from the Programme will be applied to contribute to the EAC Integration Agenda
  • Demonstrate where they anticipate seeing themselves professionally and academically in 5 to 10 years.

d) Financial need: Demonstrate financial need.

e) Age, academic performance record & experience: (as per the advertisement).


a) Be a National and resident of a partner state of the East African Community. +(provide either: National ID/Passport/Birth Certificate). +Proof of Residency (provide a certificate from the local government) 
b) Be below 35 years of age at the time of application. 
c) Possess at least an equivalent of Upper Second-Class Honours or “Distinction” 


a) Be a National and resident of a partner state of the East African Community. + (provide either: National ID/Passport/Birth Certificate).+ Proof of Residency (provide a certificate from the local government) 
b) Be below 45 years of age at the time of application. 
c) Excellent academic performance record.
d) Work experience will be an added advantage.


The application process is two-fold and each MUST be completed separately 
I) Application for Admission to the University. 
Step 1: Identify the programme and University of their choice from section 4 above that contains Eligible Programmes; 
Step 2: Fill out the application form for admission to the university of choice (Check the university website).  Ensure you pay the University application fee (Attach to your application). 
Step 3: Submit the completed university application form and supporting documents to the selected university indicating that you are applying for the IUCEA (EAC-SMS) Scholarship. 
Notes: (1) Candidates may apply to more than one University (BUT CAN ONLY BE OFFERED ONE SCHOLARSHIP). 
(2) Candidates may apply for more than one programme; however, each programme should have its application form and attachments. 
II) Application for the EAC-SMS Scholarship.
Step 4: Register online for the scholarship
Step 5: Download the Scholarship Application Form   and complete it. 
Step 6: Submit the COMPLETE application form in step 5 (above) and supporting documents in PDF format as one zip folder electronically to and 
NOTE: Please indicate the subject line as; YOUR NAME, EAC-SMS Application, MONTH YEAR, e.g. Amani Africa, EAC-SMS Application, August 2023.

The Following Supporting Documents are required. 

a) A letter of motivation for applying for the scholarship.
b) Updated and Signed Curriculum Vitae.
c) Certified copies of all academic certificates and transcripts.  
d) A copy of the university Application Form and its attachments (including payment of application fees).  
e) A recent passport photograph in colour capturing your full head and upper shoulders. 
f) Evidence of Nationality of a Partner State in the East African Community such as a copy of a national identity card/ passport/birth certificate. 
g) Any outstanding awards like leadership/community service etc.
h) Any other form of evidence required in the application form e.g. medical reports, photos, and letters of reference.
(1) Applicants with academic qualifications obtained from foreign institutions must be equated by the authorised national agency (National Council/ Commission for Higher Education) in their respective countries.
(2) Applicants with supporting documents (transcripts, certificates among others) in languages other than English//KISWAHILI are required to submit both the originals and copies translated into the English language by an accredited language translations provider. 



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